Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Cherished Collection of Smiles

Some people collect antique banks (my dad, for one). Some collect fine art. Others collect Jaguars (my friend, Mark). I collect smiles. Recently my collection has been growing by leaps and bounds.

The joy I see on the faces of my HeartSong Cookie recipients is priceless. It is the reason I end almost every day in the kitchen baking cookies and begin almost every day assembling baskets. It is the reason baking ingredients covering my dining room table are a permanent addition to my decor.

Yes, I get tired, but the smile I receive at the end of all the effort keeps me going and going and going...

Keep smiling and I will keep baking!

Many hugs and smiles,



  1. Hey Kathy!

    It was great seeing you the other night! I would like to chat about 2 baskets when you have a few moments to catch your breath. Email me at geni.wright@gmail.com or feel free to harass Dennis for my contact info. :)

    Sending a hug and smile YOUR way!

  2. Hey Geni!

    Mike and I are on vacation this week. I will e-mail you tonight about the baskets.

    Thanks for the hug and smile for my collection!


  3. Kathy-
    You made David and I smile in the midst of much frustration (grr technology) with your beautiful and DEE-licious basket of cookies.
    Thanks again! They were wonderful...to say the least,
