These challenging economic times tend to bring out the worst and the best in people. I chose to focus on how I can bring out the best in myself and others. After a deluge of daily rants from the media, business associates and friends, I had to do something to change my focus. I turned to my source of comfort...baking cookies, and adopted the mission statement - "I want to save the world from unhappiness one cookie at a time."
I channeled my unhappiness (and believe me I had an unlimited supply) into creating a cookie blog - and feverishly baking. I tried new recipes. I experimented, but mostly I shared.
Lo and behold, conversations turned from the economy to favorite cookie recipes and memories. Adults became kids again. Frowns turned to smiles. Many hugs were given out with each bag of cookies. One friend even shared a dream she had about the cookies I brought to her office.
For at least a moment, the economy was forgotten, diets were forsaken, and life was good.
If only I could capture all those hugs and happy moments in a package with a big bow on top to give as a gift to our society right now. If only...
What I can do, is encourage all of you to channel your energy toward pursuing your passion...whatever it is. From vintage cars to motorcycles, wine to beers of the world, bowling to wake boarding, salt and pepper shaker collecting to painting. Whatever you have a passion for, absorb yourself in it and share with others.
The positive energy you generate will be enough to overtake all the naysayers in this crazy world of ours and for at least a moment, life will be good...with a hug, a smile and a big bow on top.
Many hugs,
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